BlogHow to Prepare Your School and Child for a Healthy New Year

August 6, 2024by Rediet Assefa0

How to Prepare Your School and Child for a Healthy New Year

As the new school year approaches, it’s crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of our students. Let’s work together to create a healthier school environment for everyone.


-Review and update your school health program to align with the latest guidelines.
-Ensure your school is equipped with necessary health facilities and supplies.
-Train staff on health and safety protocols.
-Promote healthy eating habits through nutritious school meals.
-Encourage regular physical activity and outdoor play.


-Schedule necessary check-ups and vaccinations for your child.
-Pack healthy lunches and snacks.
-Encourage regular exercise and outdoor activities.
-Teach your child about hygiene and handwashing.
-Communicate openly with the school about your child’s health needs.
-By working together, we can create a healthier and safer learning environment for all.

happy, healthy children at school
Temaricare is committed to supporting schools in creating a healthier learning environment. Contact us to learn more about Temari Care.

Portrait of a group of young children standing in a line in the hallway of a school

Rediet Assefa

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      Copyright by Temari Care. powered by Hagere Technology